For thirty years, I lived what many Americans could consider a “normal” life. When I went to a store, I bought whatever caught my eye or stayed in my budget. When I ordered food at a restaurant, I chose whatever sounded good. I didn’t read labels, I didn’t think about my health, and I certainly didn’t make purchases based on the environment.
And then I changed.
Once I got pregnant my life rapidly morphed into a healthy, environmentally friendly one. My long-time friends and family members wondered why I had gone off the deep end. I was still politically conservative and an evangelical Christian – what was with all of the granola, green changes? If they invited me to their homes, what could they feed me? Would they clean the “right” way? Would I judge them for their unhealthy choices?
My changes seemed perfectly logical to me – at the time I had no idea I was turning green. What my loved ones failed to consider was that deep down I was the same Hilary I had always been – but now that I knew about preventable dangers, I needed to make healthier choices for myself and my family. I knew that not everyone would make my same kind of choices – or even find an importance in avoiding toxins. I was still down-to-earth, understanding old me.
I started writing my blog, Accidentally Green, and this book as a non-threatening way to explain many dangers to other people. I’m a journalist. I’ve spent the past seventeen years educating readers through my writing. To me, communicating the information is what I need to do.
Over the past few months I’ve been writing the eBook, Accidentally Green, to explain exactly how and why my family started making healthy choices that honor God and happen to help the environment. It’s transparent, full of nitty-gritty details, and it’s an easy read – just imagine I’ve invited you over, we’re all comfy cozy in my living room and I’m sharing exactly what my family has done.
Today’s the day!
I’m launching that particular eBook today! And to celebrate the launch, I’m offering the PDF version for just $1.99. You also can buy Accidentally Green on Amazon and Barnes & Noble for $2.99.
Talk back
Why have you turned green?
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Today, I’ve linked up with The Better Mom and Time Warp Wife.
Latest posts by Hilary Kimes Bernstein (see all)
- The Day I Realized Healthy Choices Don’t Guarantee Health - July 21, 2015
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- The Day I Learned I Could Cook Real Food - July 13, 2015
I’d say I was “forced into green”!! :) I suffered accidental Toxic Injury and now have extremely severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Everything from scented candles to cleaners to paint makes me really sick, so I don’t have a choice. But, in many ways, green is beautiful! :) And, God has brought a lot of other good out of my illness.
Something very similar happened to a good friend of mine – I am so sorry you’ve had to deal with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity! But, I’m glad that God has brought good through the situation.
Congrats on launching your book! I enjoy being green too. One of my favorite books is “Big Green Purse.”
I was always greener than most of the people around me because my parents are very frugal (so they tend to make the most of things rather than buy new ones) and my mom got a degree in biology in the late 1960s (so very aware of hazardous chemicals and environmental impacts). A lot of my green habits have been with me all my life!
But I began to try harder when I was in high school and my younger brother got interested in recycling. That started me really thinking about what I was tossing in the trash and whether there was a better way.