Vaccines are such a hot button issue. And, regardless of whether you love them or hate them, one thing is sure: vaccines are made with some really weird – and sometimes super creepy – components.
As I’ve spent quite a lot of time researching vaccines, one point that always disturbs me is the production process. I understand it’s a necessary process, but it’s really quite creepy.
Where do vaccines come from?
In order for a vaccine’s toxic bacteria to grow, ingredients like sugars, salts, and meat extracts also are necessary. A viral vaccine needs living cells, also known as cell lines, to grow – and for the most part, those living cells are taken from animals.
Cell lines from monkeys, rabbits and guinea pigs are used for vaccine cultures. (We’ll cover the contributions from chickens, cows and humans later this week.)
The disturbing aspect, to me, is knowing that my children are not only directly given toxins and preservatives in their vaccines, but trace biological cells from animals. (For the record, my children are completely up to date on vaccines – with the help of a delayed vaccine schedule.)
Many physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the World Health Organization assert that vaccines are safe. But on some level, don’t you think it’s really weird to think of part of an animal ending up in your bloodstream? Is it enough of an issue to cause vegans to refuse vaccinations?
How do you feel about the presence of animals – whether it’s monkey, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens or cows – in vaccines?
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I do think it’s weird, but if it’s the only way, then so be it! The only one I really have a problem with is the flu vaccine, since it’s cultivated in chicken eggs and my boys are allergic. But it does make me wonder–since both vaccines and food allergies involve the immune system–do vaccines have anything to do with the increasing rate of food allergies? You’d think there’d be a better (non-animal-involved) way to make vaccines. . . .
Polio vaccine is derived from aborted fetus cells….that isn’t cool!
Thought everyone would like to read — when you read the stories about a few parents like you, that give Children vaccines, and Know basicly what’s in them. It’ll break your hearts to read, what happened to their Children, when they thought it was Ok, to give them vaccines!!! Yes there is another way. Feed your Children Organic food made from scratch. Weakened Herb teas are great. Lots of greens/sprouts for them too. Also a bit of nuts and healthy soups. No wheat, only non gluten-free flours. Plus especially non medicated meat if a non vegan.
so im doing my reasearch paper on vaccinations and im wondering if the person of this site can help out a little more i have tons of questions .